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We’ll call Elon Musk to explain offensive material, says MP

Elon Musk would be asked to give ­evidence to parliament about the operations of X, the social media platform that he bought for $44 billion in 2022, under proposals by a leading contender to chair a panel of MPs that scrutinises government policy.
Dawn Butler, the Labour MP for Brent East, who is vying for leadership of the science and technology select committee, told the Financial Times that Musk was “someone we’d like to invite” as a witness.“It is vital for the committee to ­formally examine the use of algorithms in pushing hateful material — and the moderation of such content — on X and other social media platforms,” ­she said.
Witnesses cannot be forced to appear by the cross-party group of MPs but can be deemed “in contempt” of parliament if they ignore a formal summons.
Musk became involved in a spat with Sir Keir Starmer last month after he claimed that Britain was facing a “civil war” over immigration as far-right ­activists circulated plans to attack ­dozens of immigration centres. A spokesman for the prime minister said at the time that there was “no justification” for the comments.
Nominations for those who will chair the 26 select committees closed on Monday, with elections for contested ­positions scheduled for Wednesday.
