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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Can you spot the hidden farmer in this cow optical illusion?

Optical illusions can play tricks on your eyes, hiding things in plain sight.
One such illusion centers around an image of a cow’s head.
Within this deceptive photo of a cow’s head, there is a hidden farmer. Can you spot him?
If you can find him within eight seconds, it’s said that you have eagle eyes.
Look past the cow’s features until you can discern the man in the picture.
Have you managed to locate him yet?
Keep searching, you’re almost there. Among the horns and fur, a farmer is concealed in the image.
If you’re still struggling to find the farmer, try thinking outside the box. Rotate the image until you can see the farmer.

Optical illusion is ‘accurate’ at showing if you are hardworking or not 
Optical illusion will show whether you’re a ‘naturally intelligent’
Incredible optical illusion shows if you’re set for major ‘rewards’
Specifically, turn it 270 degrees to the right or 90 degrees to the left.
Have you spotted him now?
Here’s the solution.
You should be able to see the side profile of a man.
